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Congratulations on choosing Mozambique as your holiday destination. This beauty has to be considered one of the world’s best tropical destinations for holidays and honeymoons!

It’s quite common to want to keep an eye out for weather-beaten bottles containing a hidden message when strolling on a tropical beach… At Zongoene Lodge guests may very well end up stumbling upon other likely treasures and adventures instead.

Our Lodge is situated at the mouth of the Limpopo River, approximately 50km from Xai Xai.
You will be pleasantly surprised at how friendly and open the people are. However, Mozambique is a 3rd world country and time is generally on a different wavelength to what most westerners are accustomed.

Very important if you approach the country for what it is, you will love it; if you approach it with attitude and 1st world expectations, you will hate it.
People always seem to be complaining about the corruption and bribery? We do not contend that this does not occur but let’s be honest where in the world doesn’t it? So being polite and treating everyone with respect will make travelling much easier.

So obviously one of the main objectives when travelling to Mozambique can be the language barrier, I mean not all of us can speak Portuguese!
Here are a few phrases to start with that will make this journey a bit easier:

Good morning: Bom dia,
Good afternoon: Boa tarde,
Good evening: Boa noite,
See you later: Ate logo
Stay well: Fique bem
Excuse me: Faz favor
How are you: Como esta
How much: Quanto custa
Until next time: Ate a proxima
I don’t understand: Nao compreendo
Thank you Obrigado (m) Obrigada (f)
I don’t speak Portuguese: Nao falo Portuguese

We will be discussing everything you need to know about travelling to mozambique for a breakaway.

From tips to guide you on your journey, what you need to enter the country, at the border post, OK – you’re in, Regulations, Malaria, vehicles and boats, Maputo, the borders and the currency, climate, your destination Zongoene Lodge, the variety of activities, the culture of Mozambique, emergencies and of course what to bring!

The best way to get to know the place you are traveling in is to walk around… the best way to walk around is with comfortable shoes! So grab your travel buddy and your walking shoes and go explore!

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